Who We Are
If you’re looking for a Huntsville Alabama private investigator, you may find yourself asking “Where can I find private investigators near me?” Look no further than Track-N-Trace Investigations. Our highly experienced investigation team is ready to make your case a success. Whether you are an individual, run a small business or something larger, we have the expertise needed to make your investigation go smoothly.
What We Do
Big Spring Park is a popular attraction for Huntsville residents. However, that increased foot traffic could spell out problems for your downtown business. Don’t leave yourself at risk. Consider Track-n-Trace Investigations’ loss prevention services. We keep shoplifters at bay so you can maximize your profits. If you need to improve your security, our security services are just what you need.
Background Checks in Huntsville
Huntsville is now Alabama’s second largest city. Due to this explosive growth in population and industry, background checks on potential hires have become essential. As more people move from out of state to the Huntsville area or its suburbs, like Madison, Alabama, a thorough background check by an experienced private investigator is recommended to retrieve all the pertinent information you need.
Are you a business owner looking for reliable background checks? Knowing exactly who you’re allowing into your business is key to your continued success. Someone may appear to have the best credentials, but Huntsville’s population is continuing to grow, and you need to be certain you are hiring the best match for the job.
Letting a new person into your life is another time when a background check becomes important. How much do you really know about them? Why wait to find out? With our background check services, you’ll never have to ask yourself that question.
Whether a potential employee or romantic interest, a background check can help to put your mind at ease. Our Huntsville, AL private investigation team makes sure that you get the answers that you need.
GPS Tracking With a Huntsville Alabama Private Investigator
Tracking cars manually is an extremely difficult task. If it were not for GPS Tracking technology, it would be nearly impossible to do so reliably in crowded cities like Madison or Huntsville. Luckily, modern technology means that manual tracking is no longer necessary.
However, GPS tracking is not always the best option. Covertly installing and removing GPS tracking devices can be dangerous. Using our GPS Tracking services, you can be assured that no matter where your vehicle is, we will be able to find it.
The dense layout of cities such as Huntsville Alabama generally makes keeping tabs on people difficult. However, our GPS tracking equipment makes this much more reliable. How easily can someone hide when their car is working for us?
Our investigators safely and legally install trackers on vehicles so that you know where they are at all times. All you need to have is valid ownership of the car. We do the rest.
Process Servers in Huntsville, AL
If you need process served, the team at Track-N-Trace Investigations is here to help. Our team knows the intricacies of service. Often, the confrontations associated with process service can be dangerous. When that happens, the task requires someone with a cool head who can think before they act.
Skip Tracing Services With Private Investigators in Madison County
Equally as important as being able to handle the stresses of a process serve, is being able to find the individual in question. Our team has expertise in skip tracing and are able to find missing people. This includes people trying to avoid detection. We pull from our extensive list of resources to gather leads. Then, we hit the pavement. Using the data we’ve collected, we put our investigators to work. They stake out locations, set up surveillance, and work to find new leads. Huntsville Alabama is a large city. This means we work harder to get the evidence you need.
Correct information is extremely important to successful skip tracing assignments. The target of process service often knows that they are being tracked. They will make every effort to avoid attempts at service. They may find somewhere to lay low. They’ll do anything in their power to make sure that they cannot be located.
Because they work hard to stay missing, we work harder to dig up leads to find them. Despite their best efforts, most people leave a trail behind. No matter what direction the trail takes, our deep searches will find and follow it.
Reliable Huntsville Security Services
If you’re a growing business in Huntsville, it’s important to protect your customers, employees, and your inventory. According to city-data.com, Huntsville’s crime rate is higher than 96% of other American cities. This means that making your business a safe place to work and shop is essential. A commissioned guard from Track-N-Trace Investigations assures you that your livelihood is protected. They create a show of force at your business. This puts both customers and employees at ease. It lets them know that there is someone ready to step into action if needed.
Huntsville Private Investigators You Can Trust
Whether you are new to the Rocket City or have been here for awhile, if you or your business needs help, call us. Our Huntsville Alabama private investigator team is proud to serve Huntsville and all of Alabama, and we’ll be proud to serve you too. Our combined experience means that you’ll be getting the best service possible at a price you can afford.
Reliable Private Investigators Serving Alabama

Track-N-Trace Investigations is dedicated to serving you. We provide a range of affordable and reliable services including GPS Tracking, skip tracing, process serving and background checks. Let our experienced team of private detectives get you the outcome you want. If you need a private investigator team in Huntsville or anywhere else in Alabama, give us a call.
Need information on someone? Don’t rely on luck to find it. Let us assemble the data you need. At Track-N-Trace Investigations, we gather the proof so you can prevail.