Don’t Get Caught Unprepared
Looking for a process server? The right one can make all the difference. Each failed serve costs time and money, keeping you from getting the justice you deserve. Strict legal guidelines govern how Alabama process servers conduct business. These rules are vital to the success of your case.
Our private investigators are experts at handling process service. The members of our team have the tools and experience needed to make your case a success. We use skip tracing to locate hard to find individuals. Once we’re ready to make the serve, our trained private eyes are both cautious and dilligent in their work.
What is Process Serving
Under the law, citizens have the right to know their accuser and the charges against them. For this reason, process servers give this information to them in a summons. This document outlines the charges of the case and who is filing the suit. To make sure our serves can’t be questioned, we gather extensive photo and video evidence throughout the entire process.
Success as an Alabama Process Server
An Alabama process server does not require a license. However, the state recommends that they obtain bonded and insured status. This protects them against any liability resulting from the service.
Process service is not a job for everyone. It requires thorough research, identifying the ideal time and location to attempt a serve. Some people are better at hiding than others. Many go on the lam when they become aware of a pending court case. They leave their home or stay with friends. Our detailed research shines a light on them.
A server’s safety is of the utmost importance. They risk bodily harm when approaching unknown individuals. Therefore, each serve is well planned. Service can push tensions to the breaking point. A person facing a summons may run. When cornered, they may even become violent. When this happens, it’s up to the server to know how to deescalate the situation. They must remain in control and find the best strategy to calm the individual down. If reducing the threat is not possible, they must be able to leave quickly.
Private Investigators as Process Servers
Those aware of coming service may try to run. They believe that by hiding they can stop a case dead in its tracks. To this end, they frequently stay with friends or relatives, and in cases where they do not have a steady job, there is very little means to find them. Under these circumstances, our skill in skip tracing helps to find them. Using thorough research, private investigators can piece together the small bits of info left behind by people on the run. They use this information to determine the best locations for them to target their efforts.
Alabama Process Server Tactics

The success of a serve rests on the information obtained beforehand. Data such as where the subject lives or works helps our team determine when and where to make a move. Knowing whether the individual owns firearms or dangerous animals helps ensure that the serve is done safely.
Get Your Papers Served with Track-N-Trace Investigations

By using a private investigator as your process server, you can be assured that you are giving your serve the best chance possible. No matter how hard the recipient tries to avoid the summons, private investigators have the most experience available to make the serve a success. At Track-N-Trace Investigations, we are proud of our commitment to the success of your case. If you need to serve papers, call us for a free consultation.
Need to have a legal document served? Don’t rely on luck for this risky task. Let us perform it safely and efficiently. At Track-N-Trace Investigations, we gather the proof so you can prevail.
Proudly serving Alabama
- Huntsville
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